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About Life Insurance

With a passion for serving customers, we believe the certainties far outweigh the uncertain and we’d like you to prepare for those moments. We’re happy you decided to get to know us better. Our key differentiators are our simple, easy-to-understand products that are optimally priced. A life insurance contract is one in which a person (the policyholder) enters into regular premium payments with an insurance company in return for a financial payout to beneficiaries in the event of the policyholder’s passing. The death benefit is the term for this payment.

Term Life Insurance:

This kind of policy offers protection for a predetermined period, such as 10, 20, or 30 years. The beneficiaries receive the death benefit if the policyholder dies during the term. Term life insurance is frequently used to give financial protection throughout particular life stages, like while raising a family or finishing a mortgage, and is typically more affordable than other varieties.

It’s critical to evaluate your needs, financial objectives, and spending plan before purchasing life insurance. Your age, health, financial situation, and duties to your family will all have an impact on the kind and amount of coverage that is best for you.


Consult the Pankajam Smart Secure Plus Plan. A pure risk premium individual life insurance plan that is neither connected or participating The premium is rounded up from Rs. 2,26,964 and is computed using the Standard Premium for a 30 year old healthy male, non-smoker, 40 years policy term, and 40 years premium payment term (excluding of GST). ~1 A prerequisite for special exit value: At the age of 50, there is an option to cancel the life insurance and receive back all premiums paid. The Special Exit Value, which is due at the age of 50 if the policyholder decides to fully terminate the policy, will be equal to the total premiums paid toward the coverage (excluding GST). Benefits with particular exit values are provided; total premiums paid include

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